


Psoriasis services offered in Harbor, OR

Up to 2% of Americans have psoriasis, a chronic condition characterized by red, scaly patches of skin. At Brookings Diseases of the Skin and Esthetics in Harbor, Oregon, experienced dermatologist Richard Schultz, MD, and the team offer personalized treatment for psoriasis, including prescription medication and lifestyle counseling. Call Brookings Diseases of the Skin and Esthetics today to make a psoriasis appointment, or book online.

Psoriasis Q & A

What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune disorder that causes your skin cells to grow faster than normal. The most common type –– plaque psoriasis –– results in large irritated patches of skin.

Researchers don’t know why psoriasis only affects some people, but it’s thought that environmental factors and genetics play a role. There’s no cure, but various treatments can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and improve your quality of life. 

The condition is also associated with psoriatic arthritis, which causes swollen and painful joints.

What are the types of psoriasis?

At Brookings Diseases of the Skin and Esthetics, Dr. Schultz treats several types of psoriasis, including:


Plaque psoriasis causes the formation of red patches with silvery scales, often on the knees, elbows, and scalp.


Pustular psoriasis causes the formation of pus-filled lesions. These lesions often occur on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. 


This type of psoriasis is caused by a bacterial infection and mainly affects children and young adults. It’s characterized by scaly patches on the chest, arms, and legs.  


Inverse psoriasis is associated with fungal infections. It occurs in the skin folds or areas of the body prone to sweating or friction.


This rare form of psoriasis covers the body in a painful, peeling rash that itches and burns intensely. 

After an exam and a review of your symptoms, Dr. Schultz can make a diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Does psoriasis present symptoms?

Psoriasis symptoms include:

  • Stiff or swollen joints
  • Burning and itching
  • Cracked or dry skin
  • Small scaling spots
  • Silver scales
  • Red patches

Psoriasis flare-ups often occur in cycles. For example, you may go months or even years without symptoms before experiencing another flare-up. 

How is psoriasis treated?

Treatment of psoriasis depends on the type and severity of your symptoms. Regardless, the goal is to stop your skin cells from growing so quickly and eliminate scales. Dr. Schultz may recommend:

  • Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
  • Vitamin D analogues to lessen irritation
  • Retinoids
  • Coal tar to reduce itching and inflammation
  • Salicylic acid to reduce the scaling of scalp psoriasis
  • Anthralin (a cream that slows skin cell growth)
  • Light therapy
  • Oral steroids or retinoids
  • Biologic

You may benefit from a combination of several treatments, depending on your psoriasis type.

Call the office or book an appointment online to learn more about psoriasis and the treatment available at Brookings Diseases of the Skin and Esthetics.